Kategori: "Birth team" (fødselsteam)
1. plass: "I Am Held"
Stephanie Entin, Little Plum PhotographyLos Angeles, CA, USA
2. plass: "Through The Midwife's Legs"

Dana Jacobs, Dana Jacobs PhotographySt. Louis, MO, USA
3. plass: "Left It All On The Field"
Jessica Sornson, Jessica Sornson PhotographyHouston, Texas
4. plass: "The Golden Ratio"
Danielle Wilstead, Wild Oak BirthSalt Lake City, UT, USA
5. plass: "Witness"
Ania Wibig, Obiektywnie NajpiękniejszePolen
Kategori: "Story In One Picture" (historie i et bilde)
1. plass. "The Lovers After"
Natalie Broders, Portland Birth Photographer: Natalie BrodersPortland, Oregon, USA
2. plass: "Still In The Chaos"
Brooklyn Logan, Beautifully HumanConcord, NH, USA
3. plass: "That just happened"
Jessica Innemee, VI-PhotographyZoetermeer, Nederland
4. plass: "Euphoric"
Jennifer Lombardo, Buffalo Doula Services LLCBuffalo, NY, USA
5. plass: "The Ultimate Act of Love"
Inge Berken, Inge BerkenNederland, Amsterdam
Kategori: "Fluid" (væske)
1. plass: "Leaking Joy"
Lindsey Bowns, adora birth + wellnessCalgary, Alberta, Canada
4. plass: "When the Water Tells A Story"

Kyla Valentyik, Aspect PhotographyCampbell River, Vancouver Island, BC Canada
5. plass: "Three Brothers"
Heidi Daniels, Heidi Daniels :: the DC birth photographerWashington DC, USA
Kategori: "Negative Space"
1. plass: "Light In The Dark"
Renée Mason, Renée Mason, Indiana Birth PhotographerIndianapolis, Indiana, USA
2. plass: "Just Hold Me"
Colleen Murtha, Colleen Murtha PhotographyColumbus, Ohio, USA
3. plass: "I Choose To Feel The Presence Of My Husband ..."
Hanna Russo, Hanna Russo BirthJackson Michigan
4. plass: "Tear Of Surrender"
Olivia LaGasse, Precious 3 Birth ServicesDenver, Colorado, USA
5. plass: "Stitch by Stitch"
Jessica Miles, Jessica MilesBradenton, FL, USA
Kategori: "Cecarean" (keisersnitt)
1. plass: "Miracle Number Two"
Martha Lerner, zenmamaloveSouth Florida, United States
2. plass: "The Final Second Before The Best Surprise Ever Is Revealed"
Alexandria Mooney, Alexandria Mooney PhotographySt. Louis, MO, USA
3. plass: "Born Dancing"
Tama-Sophie Lambert, TS Lambert PhotographyLondon, United Kingdom
4. plass: "Belly Birth Bliss"
Latisa Ratliff, P.S. Love, Mommy Doula ServicesTempe, Arizona, USA
5. plass: "Loving Belly Birth"
Hannah Beil, Geburtsfotografie HeidelbergBeleghebammen Heidelberg ved St. Josefskrankenhaus Heidelberg, Tyskland
Kategori: "Surge"
1. plass: "Moments Before"
Briana Koop, Driftwood + Co Saskatoon Birth PhotographerSaskatoon, SK, Canada
2. plass: "Relief"
Robin Weir; Robin Weir PhotographySan Francisco, CA, USA
3. plass: "One Last Surge"
Dallas Arthur, Dallas Arthur Birth Stories & SupportJacksonville, Florida, USA
4. plass: "You Push, We Will Pull"
Nicole Hamic, Nicole HamicSalt Lake City, UT
5. plass: "Shadowlands"
Regina Gingerich Martin, Sweet Clover PhotographyDickinson, ND, USA
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